Back to School Bash Join us Saturday August 6th from 6pm-8pm for our Back to school bash bowling party in Lakeland! This is a free event is for LGBTQ+ ages 13-18. Pizza, Chicken Strips, Fries and Drinks will be provided! Must RSVP by August 2nd! Teen Teen Night Name(Required) First Last Preferred Name(Required)Pronouns(Required)Age(Required)Please enter a number from 13 to 18.Phone(Required)Email(Required) Food Allergies?How did you hear about Teen Night?Code of Conduct(Required) I agree to the Code of Conduct.CODE OF CONDUCT Rose Dynasty Foundation Inc. is a community-based organization focusing on our youth. We are dedicated to providing a safe and family friendly atmosphere for all without discrimination of gender, race, sexual orientation, and/or religion. We foster community through mentoring, fundraising, and promoting awareness of resources. Rose Dynasty embodies the message that you are “Loved, Accepted, and Wanted.” Participation in the organization’s programs is subject to the observance of the organization’s rules and procedures. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Any participant who violates this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including removal. Abusive language towards a staff member, volunteer or another participant. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any of Rose Dynasty’s event, property or reporting to the program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Bringing onto Rose Dynasty’s property dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons or other similar items. Discourtesy or rudeness to a fellow participant, staff member or volunteer. Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another participant, staff member or volunteer. Including but not limited to sexual assault, physical assault, Bullying etc. Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group. Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others. Failure to follow any agency policy or procedure. Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any participant. Failing to cooperate with an adult supervisor/leader/mentor. I have read and I understand the Rose Dynasty Foundation’s Code of Conduct. I agree to abide by the rules described above and understand that I may be removed as a participant if I violate any of these rules.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.